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Please find below the list of potential topics or areas of research that we propose for research for those who wish to present their papers at Media Meet 2017. This list is only a guide and is not exhaustive and only aims at providing direction and helping participants to understand the areas of study under the umbrella sphere of ‘New Media Expressions’.


It is an audiovisual forum of marketing communication, which is openly sponsored and aims to project non-personal communication to promote a product or service. It acts as an omnipotent medium that is present everywhere, from the television sets to the buffering videos. Though the process of advertising began with wall paintings, it has now emerged to incorporate new media tools that have branched across streams of print, broadcast and the digital space.

Digital Media

Profoundly known, as ‘new media’, it is an interplay between technology, images and sounds. The definition of this term does not remain definite as it vouches to include every developing technology in the online space that seems to progress at a fast pace. This term gained its popularity in the latter part of the 20th century and has continued to alter the world at large with virtual technology, augmented reality, interactive feedback, video gaming and such.



They are graphic visual representation of data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. This information is enhanced through graphics to improve upon the human capacity to interpret and retain information quickly. Infographics are a characteristic trademark of new media with its increased use in the recent years. Isotypes are an early example of infographics where information is conveyed quickly to the masses.


Print Media

Print Media is an evolving medium that continues to capture and change in its every aspect. From the advent of the printing press, journalism has undergone leaps of drastic changes in its form and content. Newspapers are now the most widely used medium to disseminate information and now with the advent of modern day advertising the growth and widespread circulation of the medium has increased to greater heights. They have transformed into a medium that caters to the needs of every taste and kind with numerous supplements and magazines.


Folk Media

One of the most effective means of communication in today's world, Folk media not only helps connect people with their cultures but also revives the lost culture of the society. It re-establishes bonds with tradition and culture and gives the local people a means of expressing themselves.


Radio and Television

Broadcast and digital communications permeate every areas of our lives: we listen to the radio in the car, watch television at home, and use the internet at work. These mediums have evolved into efficient forms of business and entertainment and in most scenarios, these go hand in hand. Their strong influence over the industry makes it essential for constant research to be done in this field for better understanding and future planning.


Theatre and Performance

These fields explore the working of the world and how everyday humanity impacts it. Theatre and performance helps us explore ourselves and understand how our movements and performances shape the world as we know it. It also helps us understand the role of theatre and performance in society over time, innovations in practice, performance design, arts management, cultural theory, performance technologies, composition and devising and impact of the cultural industries.


Visual Media

Communication with the help of visual aids to convey ideas and practices in a simple and effective manner is what visual media stands for. It is the confluence of a number of technologies working in tandem. It works on the basic principle that textual information when presented with captivating visuals help make the absorption of the message faster and simpler.


Public Relations

Public Relation (PR) is the way organizations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. It is in essence the way the customers or society perceive a said company or industry. The role of a PR specialist is to communicate with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience.


Development Communication

Development Communication is the art and science of human, which is also connected to the nation in large. It is a type of communication that makes development more conceivable and more noteworthy, connecting to social correspondence and bigger satisfaction of human potential. Although a new sub-field to the arena of media, it has come forth with rigour to showcase its power and potential to bring a positive change for the better of the society, including where media is concerned. 


Activist journalism
Advocacy journalism
Augmented Reality Games
Breaking news
Citizen journalism
Community journalism
Competitive journalism
Concept of repetition
Content management system
Development journalism
Digital desk
Hash tagging
Hyper vocalising approach
Liberalisation of media
Media ownership
Micro Blogging
Mobile applications
News selection
Predictive journalism
Public relations
Qualitative balance
Quantitative balance
Radio broadcasting
Representation of social media
Short films
Social Media Platforms
Sound bites
Statistical journalism
Story structure
Style book
Technological advancements
Time allotment
Trial by newspaper
Visual Content

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